951 North 400th Avenue, Payson, IL


Ralph Fairchild
If you have had the pleasure of meeting Ralph Fairchild, then you are aware of his heart for the gospel of Jesus Christ and the work being done in Myanmar. He is frequently seen sharing this love for Christ through his gift of music and gospel presentations. Part of Ralph's work is sharing about his life changing trip to Myanmar. There he worked with Ahdee Wayezi, a local national, who is leading many pastors and church leaders. Please pray for Ralph's continued work on behalf of the Lord.

Myanmar Mission
Bluff Hall was introduced to the ministry of Dr. Ahdee Wayezi, a local national, in the Kachin State, of northern Myanmar. We provide financial support to Ahdee Wayezi. Together with his family, Ahdee carries the gospel to unreached people groups in Myanmar and other neighboring regions. Ahdee also teaches and trains other national pastor to establish and lead churches. As part of this mission we support Myitkyina Christian Seminary. MCS educates and equips the next generation of Christian leaders. The goal of the seminary is to be self-supporting in the long-term. Please pray for Ahdee, his family, and the ministry as they continue to work for the gospel of Christ.
Myanmar, formerly called Burma, is rich in natural resources but ravaged by the greed of its rulers. The most successful export is opium, producing over 50% of the world’s supply from the so-called Golden Triangle. Buddhism has been the main religion which the military actively promotes. Currently, over 87% of the people practice Buddhism with less than 10% of the population being Christian. There are at least 107 languages among over 60 million people represented with over 80% of the population literate. The Burmese language is mostly spoken. In 2021 a military coup took place creating upheaval in the country.

Current Projects
Currently Bluff Hall Outreach Mission provides financial support to Quincy Young Life and our local food pantry. We have also undertaken several service projects within our community. When needs arise on a global scale we readily partner with EFCA ReachGlobal to send support. Our Outreach Missions Committee is always looking for ways and areas in which we can serve in the community. If you have a need or an idea please use our contact page to let us know.